Monday, March 07, 2005

War Watch - June 16, 2003 - Moral Stupidity - The Ornery American

An interesting essay by Orson Scott Card. I am a fan of his fiction and I agree with most of what is in here also. An excerpt:

War Watch - June 16, 2003 - Moral Stupidity - The Ornery American: "There were civilians killed in the fighting -- as always happens in urban warfare. But more Israeli soldiers died than Palestinian civilians. And anybody who knows anything about urban combat knows that Israel could have wiped out the terrorist fighters without suffering a single casualty -- as long as they didn't care how many civilians they killed.

But they did care, and sacrificed the lives of their soldiers by making them fight street by street and house by house, instead of carpet bombing the area where their enemies were holed up.

This is morally the opposite of the terrorists, who turn their 'soldiers' into human bombs and send them to deliberately attack Jews who are not harming anybody -- helpless infants, harmless old people, children on their way to school, teenagers socializing."


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