Monday, May 16, 2005

Stuart Brand has an article in MIT's Technology Review about changes coming to the environmental movement. He talks about the "romantic" and "scientific" members of the movement and how having both is a strength. Then he looks at four items: "population growth, urbani­zation, genetically engineered organisms, and nuclear power" and discusses why he believes that the environmental mvoememtn will change their minds on these topics. A personal comment from him on the over population swap:

Environmental Heresies: "The environmentalist aesthetic is to love villages and despise cities. My mind got changed on the subject a few years ago by an Indian acquaintance who told me that in Indian villages the women obeyed their husbands and family elders, pounded grain, and sang. But, the acquaintance explained, when Indian women immigrated to cities, they got jobs, started businesses, and demanded their children be educated. They became more independent, as they became less fundamentalist in their religious beliefs. "


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