Wednesday, November 23, 2005

OpinionJournal - Best of the Web Today: "Feminist Priorities
'A village council in Pakistan has decreed that five young women should be abducted, raped or killed for refusing to honour childhood 'marriages,' ' reports London's Daily Telegraph:

The women, who are cousins, were married in absentia by a mullah in their Punjabi village to illiterate sons of their family's enemies in 1996, when they were aged from six to 13.

The marriages were part of a compensation agreement ordered by the village council and reached at gunpoint after the father of one of the girls shot dead a family rival.

We were wondering what the National Organization of Women, which describes itself as 'the largest organization of feminist activists in the United States,' had to say about this. Here's what we found atop NOW's Web site:

* A press release denouncing the House for cutting $50 billion in spending ('brave moderate Republicans stood firm . . . their hard working, struggling, and vulnerable constituents . . . devastating budget cuts').

* Another press release denouncing Italian-American Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito ('virtual assurance that he will vote to scale back women's rights . . . the very private decision to have an abortion . . . a threat to our basic human and civil rights . . . the days of women's civil rights are numbered').

In fairness, NOW does occasionally weigh in on the treatment of women in Pakistan, but it seems clear the group's priorities lie elsewhere."



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