Friday, March 18, 2005

ABC News: They say Girl Scout shouldn't sell cookies!

What a bunch of out of touch clueless, um, er, people! They ran a story (promoted heavily by Peter Jennings at every commercial break) about how GS cookies are bad for you. They had at least 3 people on talking about how unhealthy the cookies are. One of the speakers even recommended that the GS sell key chains. For "balance", they had the head of the GS talk a bit. How bout having a few voices of people that feel like most of us: We know they are bad for us. What cookies aren't? It is a very good cause. They taste good (don't get between me and my Samoas!). Who is responsible for my putting on a pound or two from the cookies? Certainly not the Girls Scouts.

Here is one of the talking heads:
"We're in the midst of an obesity pandemic and for children who are overweight — [with] obesity and diabetes — it's unbelievable," said New York chef Ann Cooper. "And here we have a group that sells hundreds of millions of cookies."
Putting aside the idea that people are themselves responsible for what goes into their own mouth (Ms. Cooper obviously doesn't believe that), aren't there bigger, more "evil", junk food companies to go after?

Long Live Girl Scout Cookies! (follow the link to see for yourself the nutritional facts, although you could probbly just walk to your kitchen and read the box, right?)

(disclaimer: my daughter is a GS and her troop uses their "cookie money" to buy clothes that are donated to a local women's shelter)


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