Thursday, April 28, 2005

Afghanistan: Alleged Adulterer's Death Highlights Lack Of Rights For Women

The Interior Ministry tries to diffeentiate between "stoning to death" and "beating to death". While another sentence in the article ("But there have been no known stoning deaths since the Taliban's ouster in late 2001.") may provide a glimpse into his motivation for trying to make that difference, it really doesn't matter. His later quote
“We can’t prove it was [adultery]," Hamidi said. "Proving adultery has its conditions and complications, and its own mechanism based on Afghan laws and Islam. So proving it is a key issue. Only after that can a punishment be considered and a sentence handed down."
indicates more of what I hope he thinks is the bigger issue. I hope that he was just trying to get the truth out in response to a reporters question about stoning.

London Free Press: News Section - Women part of Iraq's new cabinet

Saddam's Iraq had a slightly better view towards women in society than other countries in the Middle East, but this is still a significant step. Hopefully it will keep going...


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