Friday, June 17, 2005

This is heartbreaking. I wonder when these types of "traditions" started. Has it been centuries?
Women are still being used as currency in the Afghan marriage market - PakTribune: "KABUL, June 17 (Online): Zakira was given away in marriage to stop a blood feud. Her uncle had murdered a man and, rather than start a round of revenge killings between the families, 20-year-old Zakira was bestowed on the murdered man's brother - who happened to be three times her age.

The young woman's misery can be clearly seen in her face but, she said, at least she had the consolation of having restored peace to the two families. 'It is my fate,' she shrugged.

Now aged 22 and obviously quite ill, Zakira is refusing to go to a doctor. 'I am praying to die, because anything is better than this living death,' she wept.

'I do not know why God created women. We live no better than animals.'"

A bit of hope here:
Midwives' association launched in Kabul - PakTribune: "KABUL, May 08 (Online): The International Midwives' Day was marked for the first time on with Kabul-based women in the nursing profession launching their association."

While the attention here is good, it is hard to trust their motives. Where is their outrage over the UN rapes, over the Dufar brutality of women, men, and children?
Amnesty calls for fair investigations for crimes against women - PakTribune: "LONDON, May 14 (Online): Amnesty International calls on the Afghan government to ensure that the recently announced investigations into the deaths of four Afghan women, in separate incidents in northern Afghanistan, are conducted thoroughly, impartially and without undue delay."


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