Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Chrenkoff: "In addition to the United States and the Iraqi forces, military personnel from 26 other countries are currently on the ground in Iraq, helping to bring peace and security, working on reconstruction projects, and engaging in humanitarian missions throughout the country. This is a tribute to those thousands of military men and women from around the world, some of them well-known, others less so, but all doing good work for the future of Iraq."
Complete with photos and quotes. 26 countries isn't too shabby for a "unilateral" action.

Monday, June 20, 2005

Sounds like the "DDT ban has killed millions" is not really true. Read the comments in the below post (there are two topics covered so you will need to scan) to find links that backup the point. Consider this a correction to an earlier post.
John Quiggin » Blog Archive » Fact-checking in the blogosphere: "DDT has never been banned in antimalarial use. The main reason for declining use of DDT as an antimalarial has been the development of resistance. Antimalarial uses have received specific exemptions from proposals to phase out DDT, until alternatives are developed. Bans on the use of DDT as an agricultural insecticide, promoted by Rachel Carson and others, have helped to slow the development of resistance, and therefore increased the effectiveness of DDT in antimalarial use"