Monday, July 04, 2005

john_of_arabia: A TributeIt starts with a single drum ta: "A Tribute

It starts with a single drum tapping, beating subdued time through a black cover. One pipe sounds a note, then is joined by others, swelling into a mournful wailing. The song is always the same, the departments’ anthem, more suited to happier times.

The sound advances slowly as the pipers march down the street. A battalion chief, standing in front of the formation, cries out “HAND SALUTE” in a voice made harsh fighting too many fires, and several hundred firemen raise their right hands to the brim of their caps. In our Honor Guard, the State and City flags slowly dip, the American Flag remaining aloft. On either end, we snap our rifles, our useless, helpless weapons, up to our faces in salute. Eyes locked forward, white gloved hands wrapped tightly around the hand guards, I cannot help but look at a young boy, maybe 3 or 4 years old, who stares back at me. Behind him, a woman rests her hand protectively on his shoulder, the other held over her heart in salute. She is dressed simply in black, and tears stream down her face, even though her eyes are tightly shut. I learn later that her husband, and her brother, and a cousin, are all gone. For now, though, I can only watch her grief unknowingly."

The soldier wrote it after 9/11. There are several other moving pieces on the site.


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